Institut de Physique Théorique Philippe Meyer

Accueil > Recherche > Physique des hautes énergies

Tin Sulejmanpasic

par Marc-Thierry Jaekel - publié le , mis à jour le

Tin Sulejmanpasic joined the Institute in 2016. He obtained his PhD at Regensburg University, and had done a first postdoc at North Carolina State University. His main interests are in nonperturbative phenomena of Quantum Field Theories, QCD, spin-systems, resurgence and anomaly matching. The most recent works include studies of nonlinear sigma models in 2d and theta-terms via anomaly matching and lattice field theory that can be used to describe such systems.

Publication of Tin Sulejmanpasic during his stay at IPM (in reverse chronological order) are :

[60] Abelian gauge theories on the lattice : θ-terms and compact gauge theory with(out) monopoles

[61] Dual simulation of the 2d U(1) gauge Higgs model at topological angle θ=π : Critical endpoint behavior

[62] Instantons in the Hofstadter butterfly : difference equation, resurgence and quantum mirror curves

[63] Anomaly and global inconsistency matching : θ-angles, SU(3)/U(1) nonlinear sigma model, SU(3) chains and its generalizations

[64] Critical Points at Infinity, Non-Gaussian Saddles, and Bions

[65] C-P-T anomaly matching in bosonic quantum field theory and spin chains

[66] High order perturbation theory for difference equations and Borel summability of quantum mirror curves

[67] Walls, anomalies, and deconfinement in quantum antiferromagnets

[68] Global Symmetries, Volume Independence, and Continuity in Quantum Field Theories